Monday, April 6, 2009

Pros and Cons of Blogging

Blog can be used in many in organization. A probable scenario could be to inform customers with timely information about the organization. The best advantage of this is that it's free to create a blog on internet with such site as Furthermore, it has the power to develop stronger relationship with the customer by showing the human face of the organization. This can develop in a stronger brand loyalty and the creation of a community where customers can comments on blogs and interact with others. Moreover, the blog can be a good way to get instant feedback from the customers. On the other side, blogs are maybe free, but they are time consuming a lot of time to create and this can be expensive. Also, a blog involves constant devotion in order to keep it updated. No doing so can result in a bad publicity for the organization. Since blog can be written by different employees with different views, a problem of coherence could appear. Consequently, this could also hurt the reputation of the company. For further info on how to promote organization by blogging see:

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